Monday, August 18, 2008

School starts today!

So I'll be pretty busy for the next few weeks getting used to teaching 2 children at once while keeping the 3 year old and the 3 month old occupied. This is our 3rd year of homeshcooling but the first year that I've had more than one child officially schooling. It's lunch time here and they are both done with everything except poetry -- and we will do that during the baby's nap this afternoon. The best part is that we didn't actually get started until 10am! So I realized that I can easily school my 5 year old in less than an hour and my second grader will take about 2 hours (maybe more if she drags her feet).

Happy schooling to you all whether you homeschool or send your kids to public or private school. I LOVE this time of year!


Anonymous said...
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Pitch Ready said...

I have a great resource in case you're interested in teaching your children about Nature and the Outdoors - it'll get them active and engaged during 'recess'.

It's called AndyCamper - you can see it at

There is hours of activities and learning on this site.

Great for kids and adults!

Good luck this school year.

Anonymous said...

Schooltime is fun time and worry time and...well, a lot of things. Another schoolyear is upon us, and we moms have to grin and bear it all over again. But I guess that's one of the great things about being a mother - all the wrong things, good things, and not so sure of things change places and you relearn them all over again. Sometimes you end up with really surprising results! Have a happy, fulfilling schoolyear with your children, and the best of luck. :)

Kimberline said...

What a cute site Lisa. I really really LIKE it!

I will know where to go to get frugal tips. I wish we had stores that did the good coupon plus sales deals here, but we just do not.

I sometimes get good deals at the IGA that is fairly close to me but I need to start figuring out how to power shop when I am in town and have more stores to go to.

Don't you just love the start of the homeschool year? This is the first year we took a summer vacation and I actually STARTED us in the Fall. Normally we go year round and wrap up in November, take the month of December off except for one family project that we work on (Like a language or something) and our school year actually begins in January. I am a little off kilter starting in fall but at least we are in sync with every one else for the first time ever!

Have fun with your young learners.

God bless and bless you!

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